Which outcome for Wagner after Putin’s Russia-Africa Summit of lies?
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Which outcome for Wagner after Putin’s Russia-Africa Summit of lies?

In this article, we will explore the 2023 Russia-Africa summit and its possible consequences for Wagner operations on the African continent. The PMC has made local African elites dependent on its services, which might explains why it is so difficult for Putin to replace local Wagner leaders with commanders that are more loyal to the…

Wagner is financing its Ukrainian troubles by smuggling African children

Wagner is financing its Ukrainian troubles by smuggling African children

In the face of the staggering losses incurred in Ukraine, both in terms of material and human resources, the paramilitary group Wagner is improving its finances by exploiting children in the gold mines of Central Africa. Its boss admits it himself: “We suffer from a severe lack of ammunition, needed to keep the offensive going,…

Maslov war criminal
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Ivan Maslov: From Ukraine to Mali, a war criminal’s path

If the name Ivan Aleksandrovich Maslov doesn’t ring a bell, that is perfectly normal. The head of Wagner in Mali and alleged war criminal is a discrete man who doesn’t want to receive too much attention. But Wagner Group is now well established in Mali and it is more than ever necessary to take a…

Wagner Group slaughtered tens of civilians on CAR diamond and gold mining sites

Wagner Group slaughtered tens of civilians on CAR diamond and gold mining sites

Once more, Russia-linked mercenary group Wagner killed ten people, among which 3 women. The massacre took place in Gordill, in the North East of the Central African Republic, during the night of March 13 to 14. Tens of civilians are now scattered into the bush. Inhabitants of the neighbouring village Manou had to escape too….

Syrian man burned by Wagner
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Wagner Group, or how to cure plague with cancer

White supremacism, Nazi tattoos, mafia-style business model, accusations of rape and crimes on the edge of war crimes… Slowly but surely, the Russian PMC Wagner weaves its web across Africa. Beheadings, rapes, torture… While some African governments see in Wagner the one and only solution against insurgency or terrorism, the paramilitary company keeps showing its…

Propaganda movies

How Wagner uses propaganda movies to promote its image

Wagner tries to whitewash its crimes with the release of propaganda movies. An analysis of “Tourist”, one of their most significant yet. Meduza – Original Article Propaganda movies are one of the vector used by Wagner to preserve its image. It is no stretch to say that Group Wagner suffers from a bad reputation. The…

Wagner PMC ChVk neo-nazi mercenaries

Guess who killed 70 civilians in total impunity this week in Central African Republic ?

Would you like to know who killed 70 civilians in total impunity this week in Central African Republic ? Let’s break right now the mystery. Mercenaries have been identified while opening fire on civilians in Central African Republic. They scored 70 killed. Just like that. Just like on training camp. They shot everything. In this…

Mercenaries of Wagner PMC ChVK just minutes before killing civilians

Official National Institute report : Russians increasingly mixed up in war crimes

Robert Lansing Institute – January 13th, 2022 Original Article Mysterious Russian are more and more involved in killlings and war crimes. Using light weapons hand guns and up to the armored vehicle, paratroopers killed in Almaty the 06th of January. They have been charged of war crimes in 2014-2015 during the Russian unofficial assault in…

Mercenaries Wagner PMC in Syria

The Environmental Impact of Russian Mining in the Central African Republic

Tearline Project – 16th December 2021 Original Report Russian Mining in the Central African Republic re causing significant environmental degradation. These mines are not directly owned by the Russian government, but are instead owned by the Russian mining company Lobaye Invest Sarlu (Lobaye Invest). Lobaye Invest is owned by subsidiaries of Yevgeny Prigozhin, a prominent…

Libya mercenaries

BBC: Why the EU is alarmed by Russian mercenaries in Central Africa

BBC – December 19th, 2021 Original Article This week the European Union imposed sanctions on the Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary organisation accused of committing human rights abuses in the Central African Republic and elsewhere. The EU has said that it will no longer train CAR government soldiers because of their links to Wagner. In…