UNIAN: SBU releases evidence of Wagner fighters’ involvement in war crimes

The Ukrainian intelligence SBU revealed information about Wagner’s activities.
UNIAN – May 19, 2018

The SBU special service revealed that it has communications between members of the private military company (PMC) Wagner Group.
The conversations expose the presence of the group in Ukraine, several of their crimes, as well as severe losses of men and material.
The SBU disclosed evidence that mercenaries’ lives were sacrificed just to prevent material from falling into the hands of Ukrainian forces.
The SBU Security Service of Ukraine keeps on public informing about recording results of Russian war crimes in the territory of Ukraine. As exposed by the SBU, some of the equipment used by Wagner originates directly from the Russian military. Therefore, losing this material to the Ukrainian army would amount to a disclosure of the effective control of Wagner by the Russian army.
Furthermore, the communications reveal the identities of some high ranking member of the PMC Wagner. These mercenaries are former officers of the Russian special forces. As such, the communications expose personal links between the Russian army and the Wagner Group.
The SBU regards the revelations of the links between the Russian state and the company as evidence which can be used in the framework of a lawsuit against Russia and Wagner.
Further disclosure by services from other countries could help better understand the manner in which Wagner commits its crimes and lead to further criminal lawsuits against the group. Following the evidence released by the SBU, we can hope for more involvement from governments and look forward to support to NGOs and journalists by countries vocal about Wagner’s crimes.